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Around Hotel Kría

The location of Hotel Kría is our undeniable advantage. We are located in the small town of Vik beside road No 1 (ring road). Vik is a magical place for many reasons: a black beach, a wild and stormy sea, thousands of puffins, nearby volcanoes and fairy-tale-like landscapes.

Vik is also a great base for exploring the attractions of the south coast. 

Ready for an adventure?

Why kría?

Hótel Kría is named after the thousands of arctic terns (in Icelandic - kría) that make their way to Vík from the Antarctic every summer. The terns nest and rear their young on the stark coast just outside the hotel.


The arctic tern is one of the most aggressive terns, fiercely defensive of its nest and young. It can attack humans. Keep your distance.


Where to go? What to see?

On the map below, you will find places of interest around Hotel Kria. Some of them are a short distance from the hotel, some you can visit during a half-day or day trip. Few of the places are accessible only during summer (Thakgil, Thórsmörk) or with a guide (activities on glaciers).  


Guide with photos and short descriptions will help you to connect places with challenging Icelandic names.

Atraction around Hotel Kria.jpg

From Hotel Kria to the West

From Hotel Kría to the East

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